Using Boards: Creating Scenarios

How to use Boards to create foresight Scenarios

Chris Dury

August 26, 2024

Follow this detailed guide to create a set of foresight scenarios.

Create a new Board

To get started, head to the Boards page and create a new blank Board:

Create a new Board

You can change the name of the Board to describe its content:

Give the board a memorable name

Create a Focus Question

The next step is to a Focus Question. This is a key part of a scenario development process as it defines the scope and goal for the scenarios themselves.

First, import your Strategic Profile by clicking the Add Node button and selecting Strategic Profile:

Select the Strategic Profile node

The Strategic Profile node will be added to the Board:

Your strategic profile has been loaded from the Profile page

Next, add a Focus Question Generator:

This will add the Focus Question Generator Node:

Connect the Strategic Profile node to the Focus Question Generator node:

Click and drag to connect the nodes

Type in an Initial Question which outlines your problem or situation, then click Generate:

A set of focus questions will be generated. Select one that fits your needs, or refine your question and re-generate. Once selected, click "Create Focus Question Nodes":

Select one or more Focus Questions.

A Focus Question Node will be created.

You can edit the text of the Focus Question by clicking on the pencil icon:

Once you are happy with the Focus Question, click on "Create a Trend Search Node". On the Trend Search Node, click "Search for trends":

Search for Trends

You can click the icon on the right of each trend to view the trend in detail:

Click this to see the Trend Detail
You can review the trend in detail

Select the Trends that you want to include in the Scenarios:

Select the Trends you think are relevant

Click on the "Create Scenario Generator Node"

Note - you can have multiple Trend Search nodes covering different topics and search criteria.

Create Scenarios

The Scenario Generator node will gather trends from any linked Trend Search nodes, or from any linked File Assessments.

Open the Node Settings / Inputs to see what has been connected:

Choose a Scenario Type:

The scenario types:

  • 2x2 Matrix - The classic approach where 2 key uncertainties are placed in a 2x2 matrix representing the high vs. low of each key uncertainty
  • Scenario Field - Mix together multiple key uncertainties (3-5) to create a set of scenarios which may or may not overlap in different ways
  • 4 Archetypes - Another classic approach focusing on futures of Collapse, Transformation, Discipline and Continuation [Coming soon]
  • Sci Fi Archetypes - A new approach that references cultural structures around different types of science fiction movies.

Select 2x2 Matrix and then click "Generate key uncertainties". Select the key uncertainties that you would like form the axes of the 2x2 matrix:

Then click "Generate Scenario summaries" to create the outlines for each scenario:

Then click "Generate detailed scenario nodes". A set of Scenario nodes be created. When you're ready, click on the "Generate Scenario" button to generate the scenario text:

And that's it! You have now generated a set of 2x2 matrix scenarios that have been targeted to resolve your Focus Question, based on the Trends and Key Uncertainties that you have selected.

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