Using Chat

How to use Chat

Chris Dury

August 26, 2024

Starting a New Chat

To start a new Chat, click the Chat icon on the main menu:

Click the Chat icon to start a new Chat

You will then see the New Chat Panel:

Starting a new chat

From here, you can enter your prompt in the main prompt text area at the top. This works like any other AI chat where you ask a question in plain language and the AI will then respond. The key difference with other chat platforms is that your Strategic Profile will be accessible by the AI while it is chatting with you, which helps tailor and target its responses to be more specific to you.

Prompt Library

Portage provides over 50 prompts that help you explore different aspects of your strategy, challenges and opportunities. Some of the prompts even help you to do common tasks such as preparing various types of "strategy" documents, or by even role-playing as a hard-nosed board member so you can prepare for an important meeting.

You can search for prompt keywords or use the category filters to refine the list to find a prompt.

Prompt Options

Portage allows you to select other "best in class" AI models, as well as choose a personality for the AI:

Detailed prompt options

Here's a bit more about each AI model:

  • Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet - The latest model from Anthropic. This model is very fast and has great prompt adherence with no loss of context. It is a good choice if you expect to have a long conversation.
  • Anthropic Claude 3 Opus - The highest performing model from Anthropic. This model is subtle and nuanced, with high intelligence. The output is indistinguishable from a human. This model also excels at large prompts, but will consume tokens more quickly.
  • Google Gemini 1.5 Pro - This model is very very intelligent and sometimes surprisingly so. It does not support advanced tool calling, so is less useful for analysing Trends inline with the chat. But, this model excels at "one shot" workloads, especially with the "Genius" personality. Use this for generating documents.
  • OpenAI GPT-4o - This model is a fantastic all-rounder and is the preferred model for Portage due to its exceptional intelligence, prompt adherence, advanced tool calling support and speed.

Portage also provides different personalities that can shape the output of AI models:

  • Base - this does not provide any additional instructions to the AI except for providing the Strategic Profile
  • Coach - This instructs the AI to work through your problems one step at a time and to follow up each interaction with guidance and questions to help you continue improving.
  • Genius - This instructs the AI to express itself in the highest intelligence manner possible. It will also try to answer your problem or question as fully as possible in one response.

Chat History & Archive

On the right side of the screen, you'll find the Chat History panel:

Chat History

On this panel, you can load previous chats by clicking on them, you can also:

  • Pin / Unpin - send the chat to the top of the list and keep it there
  • Archive / Unarchive - send the Chat to or from the Archived tab
  • Delete - permanently delete the Chat

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